Fehlermeldung bei Canon mp560

Mathildefi - 8. Juni 2012 um 11:58
 TOKEN - 12. Juni 2012 um 10:04
Guten Tag,
Seit heute morgen kriege eine Error- Fehlermeldung 6c10 , sobald ich versucht habe , meinen Drucker Canon mp560 zu öffnen.
Wisst ihr vielleicht , was dies zu bedeuten hat?
Ich danke euch schon mal für euren Hinweisen.

1 Antwort

Guten Tag !
ich habe die Lösung in einem anderen Forum fuer mein IP4600gefunden.

"FYI I had the 6C10 error for 2 days and checked everywhere I could to find a solution. All to no avail so I figured if it can't be fixed why not investigate and see what I can find/do. If you have this problem you might want to try this on Pixma MP560:

First, open the lid and allow the ink cartridge carrier to center itself. Now, looking to the right, you will see a row of white rollers behind the carrier. At the end of the rollers there is a small, clear piece of plastic that sticks up. (Mine looked like a black brush when I first noticed it.) Put on some rubber gloves to keep the hands from getting covered with ink and take a small piece of a paper towel and wipe all of the ink off this piece of plastic. When that is clean move on to the ink pad.

About 1 inch, towards the front of the printer from that piece of plastic, is a small square, about 1/2 inch per side, that is a small foam pad. This is where the excess ink is collected. Take a piece of paper towel and press into the foam. Do this until the paper towel is no longer collecting ink. Close the lid, turn off the printer then turn it back on.

Process took about 10 minutes and everything was working fine when I restarted the printer. Saves the cost of shop or shipping and seems to work just fine. Maybe make it a habit of soaking up the ink in the foam each time you change ink cartridges."

Ich hoffe , es kann dir weiter helfen...
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